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DVD Aerial Fabric VOL 2 – Fred Deb’

This DVD is the logical continuation of Volume 1, which is why I strongly encourage you to study the first DVD in the series before moving on to this second volume.
SKU: LDV05 Categories: ,

25,00  (30,00  ttc)

In stock (can be backordered)

  • Time: 90min
  • Langage: Francais / Anglais / Espagnol
  • Throughout her career as an international artist and teacher, Fred Deb’ has continuously reflected upon her artistic and pedagogical process.  She has developed a method for teaching and learning the technique and artistry of aerial fabric.
  •  DVD 2 deals with the technical aspect of a class through the demonstration of figures.  Each movement sequence is explained and performed by the teacher.  The movements are then performed by different students in a class context, and their distinct errors are addressed and corrected.
  • As always, stay aware in your aerial practice and always respect safety rules.
  • Enjoy ! »
  • Fred Deb’, Artistic Director, Cie Drapés Aériens

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